Amado Espinoza and his‘Junkyard Orchestra’:Best of KC 2019

Our annual Best of Kansas City 2019 issue is out now. Go grab a copy. Alternatively, you can browse the results of the readers’ poll here. The issue also includes […]
Making Music from a Pile of Junk

If you’ve ever investigated the contents of an old garage, you might spot discarded PVC pipe, some old bike valves, a faucet, an unmatched kitchen glove, a broken broom, a […]
Hear the artist hustle ofAmado Espinoza

Whether directing a contemporary indigenous stage performance, covering the Beatles classic Elanor Rigby with a pan flute and charango for TEDxKC or creating a diatonically-tuned bendy-straw, Amado Espinoza understands the […]
Honors: Amado Espinoza

Multitalented musician mines his Bolivian roots. From PorchFestKC to the Performing Arts Center, Amado Espinoza and Karen Lisondra have boldly enlivened KC’s cultural and arts scene since moving here from […]