Please join the cast of The Storytelling Project for a fundraising event and multimedia/bilingual performance to support their travels to Bolivia! Suggested donation is $20, but all are welcome! Video showing the development of the show and info in English below:
Pachakutec es una colaboración colectiva, dirigida por Karen Lisondra (ex actriz del Teatro de los Andes) y Amado Espinoza (compositor, lutier, integrante invitado de OIL) que conecta nuestros conflictos de identidad, de relaciones, de fe, y de privilegio, con la Cosmovisión Boliviana.
Lisondra y Espinoza trabajan con un grupo de jóvenes actores norteamericanos, usando técnicas teatrales y musicales para ensenarlos de la mitología y los arquetipos andinos que se encuentran en festivales y rituales de todo el país boliviano. Descubren como la sabiduría ancestral nos ayuda enfrentar nuestras dificultades sin miedo, y nos guía en un viaje del espíritu sin tiempo ni fronteras.
El proyecto es una colaboración de la Universidad de Missouri – Kansas City, y el dúo Espinoza/Lisondra.
Over the course of the 2017-2018 school year, the second year MFA Acting and Directing class at the University of Missouri-Kansas City teamed up with generative artist/director Karen Lisondra and Bolivian musician Amado Espinoza to create a devised theatre piece related to Bolivian culture. This low budget project began from nothing, and was born out of the creative collaboration of these nine minds. After nine months of intense rehearsals, The Storytelling Project came to be. It is a play that explores a vast tapestry of characters from Andean mythology through the lens of traditional Bolivian mythological stories as well as the personal narratives of each actor.
The play was originally performed in January and February of 2018 in the black box space at the Kansas City Repertory Theatre on the UMKC campus, and was received incredibly well. The Project served as a means to bring many different local communities together, and was especially well received by the local Kansas City area Latinx community.
After the success of the 2018 run of The Storytelling Project, Karen Lisondra received an invitation for the Company to perform the play at various festivals in Bolivia. Join us for a multimedia/bilingual performance of the show!